National 7 History
"The Bottling of Lapalisse" takes the historic route N7 between Lapalisse and St-Martin d'Estréaux, a circuit of 34 km round trip.
5 places of departure (chosen at the time of registration) will be offered to participants for the 2018 edition, in collaboration with local associations and sites. The latter thus allow the reception of the 1000 vehicles years 50-65 expected:
- Area of Truths in Lapalisse
- Bourg de Servilly (novelty)
- Bourg de St-Prix
- Bourg de Droiturier
- Bourg de St-Pierre-Laval
"The Bottling of Lapalisse" crosses the city center of Lapalisse (portion between the roundabout of Bellevue and the foot of the castle), the borough of St-Prix, the hamlets Les Espalus, The Chevreaux, The Small Ravat, The Place, until the roundabout of entry of St Martin d'Estréaux, zone of turn-back.
Main schedules
From 7am: the parking of the participating old vehicles is organized on the affected places of departure, where is given the vignette 2018, in exchange for the bib, then one finds oneself warmly around a welcome coffee.
From 8am: the first departures take place following the route N7 History. Vehicles leaving the towns of Droiturier, Servilly and St Pierre Laval take a portion of the departmental road before joining the circuit: D 570, D32 & D480 and D507.
Place to the pageant on the road holidays: vehicles, outfits, accessories, scenes and atmosphere of time.
from 12.30 pm - the arrival is organized in the city center as well as the parking on the various spaces reserved for the participants, notably Place Général Leclerc and Esplanade Maréchal de La Palice.
Picnic and animations continue the festivities.
It's the excitement in the early morning in our villages!

"We are happy", our dear National 7 finds its circulation of yesteryear ...

The heart of the city is in full swing!

Do not forget to take a break!
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