Partners 2018

To become partner

You also participate in the next edition of the Traffic jam of Lapalisse, big festival of the road patrimony N7, contribute to its development, be actors of its national and European radiance, join those who already trusted us:

Event form "Pays de Lapalisse"

Partnership sheet


pays vichy auvergneot lapalisse

europe feadereuropeleader


A space is available to journalists.

Espace presse


You wish to associate your company with this great celebration of the N7 road heritage, become our partner in 2018:

Event form
"Country of Lapalisse"

Partnership sheet

Becom partner

Contact us

Communauté de Communes
du Pays de Lapalisse

Boulevard de l'Hôtel de Ville

Tél. 04 70 99 76 29